Fair Trade Fridays – Join Our Live Discussions!

Did you know that on the first Friday of every month we go Live to talk about Fair Trade topics? Over the course of the last year or so, our team has gone Live on Instagram to discuss topics we find particularly important when discussing Fair Trade & Responsibly Sourced colored gems. Topics discussed in this series mirror the CGH Fair Trade Gems® Pillars: Ethics, Transparency, and Fairness. This means we talk about topics anywhere from ethical decision making throughout the supply chain, to environmental impacts and how those are communicated to the market, as well as fair labor and the risks involved in the process that just simply don’t get talked about enough. Fair Trade Fridays has been our opportunity to talk openly with consumers and buyers alike, to keep focus on real world issues that plague the gem industry and how we can each take part in changing the norm.
In our most recent episode of Fair Trade Fridays, we talked about Lab-Grown vs Natural Gemstones. Recently, we’ve heard quite a bit about lab-grown gems and how some consider them “more ethical” than buying a natural gemstone. So, we wanted to offer an alternative perspective to this discussion. While it is not our position that one is wrong, we believe it is important to see both sides when weighing the options of what materials, you choose to work with, or wear.
Our goal is to host open discussions with our community (that’s you!) and get people talking. If you have not seen or been a part of these Live events yet, we would love to have you involved. Here’s how:
1. Follow our Instagram page
2. Click on the ‘video feed’ icon to find the “Fair Trade Fridays” Series
3. Turn on notifications from Columbia Gem House so you won’t miss upcoming live events!
We love being able to talk with each of you directly and, as a small business, are always grateful for your support!