Here are the 💎 Facts

Here are the 💎 Facts

Every gem we offer has its own captivating story, waiting to be discovered within our Gem Facts Pages. Each fragment of knowledge contributes to the rich stories of our gems, which we encourage you to share as well. These stories can support the enrichment of your interactions with clients by infusing your work with added emotional value. 

New Releases:

Royal Kings Plain Sapphire®

For many years Australian Sapphire was thought to only include very dark blue to near-black colors when, in reality, it produces a wide range of qualities and colors.



Moss Agate

Known for its unique veining, Moss Agate is not actually moss, nor is it even a pure agate. While this material is found in other places, India is one of the major producers and many believe to be the best material available.



Wyoming Ruby

Found in various locations worldwide, Ruby is only produced in one location within the Americas: Wyoming. The Rodeo Queen Mine produces very red gems, nearly opaque in color. These rubies manifest the energy of the rugged terrain surrounding the mine and display the earthy imperfections that make them so unique.



Oregon Sunstone

Oregon Sunstones can be found in pale yellows, peach, pink, rust-red to deep reds, as well as various shades of green. Some will also display tiny copper platelets, known as ‘schiller’, which sparkle and reflect light as it enters the stone.


While there’s still a long list of gem stories to capture and upload, you can explore our most recent upload of Gem Facts Pages now! More coming soon…




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