Memorial Day

This is a Memorial Day like none of us have ever seen. Normally, this is the time people start the summer season with weekend vacations, family get together, or spending time to remember all those who are no longer with us . We may not be able to do the first two this year, but we can still remember those dear to us who are no longer here. This year we can also remember those who have passed away because of this virus which has upended many lives, as well as a way of life. So, maybe this Memorial Day we take the time to think a little more about what the day stands for. As we do this let's also be grateful for all of those we still have with us and how together we might get our country back on track. And yes, that means the jewelry industry also.
As we start to reopen our businesses we have time to think about the gems and jewels we sell, and about those who help bring these beautiful treasures to us. These gems come from around the world, but also from right here in America. We have the rich red of the anthill garnets from the Navajo reservation, and the clear quartz from Arkansas or the opaque white chalcedony from Oregon. Then for blues we have the stunning sapphires from Montana and iolite from Wyoming. All these are produced by small American mining operations who think about the environment they work in, and the people who help support them in this work.
So let's honor those who are no longer with us. That is what Memorial Day was established for. At the same time, let's be grateful, and honor those who are still with us and who support us in the industry we love. If we can commit to support and help those around us, we will get through this trying time, and hopefully have a better world for it.