Message from CGH

Columbia Gem House is open and operating, but very carefully.
As a business partner, employer and friend, we are doing everything we can to assure the safety of our employees and customers. In addition, we want to help support your business by being able to continue to meet your colored gemstone needs. As a small business ourselves, we are feeling some of the same difficulties. But, if we all pull together we will come out of this still making beautiful jewelry for happy customers.
Over 90% of our work is through our website, email and the mail delivery system. I know many of you do work online so you will still be getting jewelry and gemstone requests, and Columbia Gem is here to do everything we can to assist you. Whether it is getting photos to share with your customers, answering your colored stone questions, or shipping gems to you, we are here to help.
We are operating and I know most of you are also, even if just electronically or by mail. So, lets get you whatever help you need to still meet your customers wishes; loose color, melee, colored stone jewelry and a whole host of expertise.
What Columbia Gem House is doing to protect our employees and customers:
- Meeting daily to assess the current situation and inform employees and customers
- Implemented preventative measures to ensure the continued health of our employees and clients including
Cutting Workshop
- 90% of all gems we ship have been in the US for more than 90 days.
- The cutting workshop in China is again open and shipping to us and all shipments follow these procedures:
- Regularly disinfect the factory & equipment
- All cut gems are soaked in a 70% alcohol solution
- All packaging for shipment to the US is sterilized prior to leaving the cutting workshop.
- All gems continue to follow our traceable procedures.
Columbia Gem House – US
- We are practicing social distancing in the office and following all CDC and Washington State Guidelines.
- We have implemented new cleaning and disinfecting procedures for our physical spaces.
- We have discussed the need for employees, who might become ill, to stay home to limit exposure to staff and the general public, and supporting them in every way possible while they recover.
- We are limiting visitors to the Columbia Gem House office to ensure that exposure points are as limited as possible. While we rarely have visitors to our office, we want to ensure that when they do come, they are visiting a safe environment.
- We are asking our employees to reach out to friends & neighbors (with social distancing in mind) to offer support they need in the safest manner possible.
Columbia Gem House is continually monitoring updates in order to serve our customers, employees and vendors in the best way possible. We will inform you of any changes here. If you have any questions, our staff is ready to help you get the answers or products you need. Be safe and healthy.
Eric Braunwart