Tradeshow Instagram

We all have been dealing with various different stay-at-home orders to help control COVID19. We all are part of this effort, but I would guess it has been as big a challenge for your businesses as it has been for ours. To date, the MJSA show, the Las Vegas shows, as well as many smaller shows, have been canceled and it is likely that more will be throughout this year. Still, throughout this time, Columbia Gem House has continued to cut new stones and we are trying our best to prepare for the second half of this year.
These shut downs have made it difficult for us to show our clients what we have been cutting, and it makes it hard for you to find the stones you need. These can be for special orders or the stones you need to create your new lines during this shutdown. For this reason we decided to start our Columbia Gem House Instagram Tradeshow! Many of you already follow us on our main ColumbiaGemHouse Instagram, which is open to anyone who wants to see beautiful gemstones. Our new account is a bit different in that it is a private feed exclusively for jewelry professionals. Jewelers can request to join, and once we determine you are in the gem and jewelry industry we will accept your request to join. We are doing this trade only feed because we will be showing wholesale pricing on products we are producing and offering to sell to our wholesale customers only. This is just like what we would do at our Tucson wholesale trade shows. It gives you, our clients, year-round access to our "Tucson" inventory. This means you will see some spectacular one of a kind gems, new gem cuts and varieties, and some of the coolest stones you may have never even heard of before. It give us a chance to showcase the wide range of gems we cut, and helps you keep up with pricing and new trends in gemstones as we get through this new time in the industry. You will have a chance to see all those wild and exciting gems you come to expect from us at the Tucson show, and now you have daily access to some of our latest, coolest and greatest gemstones... just like the Tucson show, without all the traveling!
Did you know we started showing in Tucson when there was only one small show way back in 1978? Did you know that Columbia Gem House was one of the founding members of The American Gem Trade Association and then the AGTA GemFair? Yes, quite a change, and this is just one more of the changes in the history of Columbia Gem. So, Tucson - and all the incredible gems exhibited there - are in our blood. Our new @ColumbiaGemHouseTradeshow Instagram will bring you all this same experience that has been a part of Columbia Gem for the last 42 years. We want the stones on this feed to be as exciting, as beautiful, as fun and yes at times, as weird as the Tucson show itself! We want you to have access to this, the essence of Tucson, year around.
So, if you want to participate in the next best thing as the experience of being at Tucson itself, join us on our invitation only, exclusive wholesale Instagram account. Just type @ColumbiaGemHouseTradeshow in your Instagram search bar and request to join. As soon as we see that you are in the trade, we will confirm your participation, and VOILA, you will be part of it!! You will be part of the greatest gem collection anywhere, with the ability to order right there at wholesale pricing.