Virtual Tucson!

Virtual Tucson!

Guess what we’re doing? You might have already heard, Columbia Gem House will not be in Tucson this year (and we wish we were), but we haven’t missed a gem show there since 1978, and we don’t plan on starting this year! CGH is putting together a sort of “Virtual” Tucson!

Starting today you can register to be a part of this new way of buying gemstones, just like if you were at a tradeshow. 

To register, email to with you request. You can do all or some the following once you have signed up. Schedule a virtual appointment with one of our gem experts, receive a dropbox link that has pictures of all of the trays you would normally see in Tucson (which will be updated daily with new exclusive offerings once the event starts), a schedule of all live events/shows we have planned on our main IG @ColumbiaGemHouse  and of course, you can still order on our website. Plus, look for special content on @ColumbiaGemHouseTradeshow regularly.

The event will run February 4-5, and February 8-12. Join our email list for exclusive announcements by going to our website (link in bio) and scrolling to the bottom.

As our first ever virtual event, we are excited to be sending out fun little free gifts with purchase, having live talks (maybe a few with special guests), and just in general enjoying what is usually a fun time in our company. Also… be gentle. This is our first ever virtual event!

Stay tuned and we hope to see you there.


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