Can you tell us a little about the source of this material?
Today, most of the world’s ruby comes from Africa, with Mozambique being the largest producer. That being said, there is also a reasonable amount of production from the island of Madagascar, which is where our Pomme Ruby™ comes from. There are various deposits of ruby in Madagascar, but ours comes from a single location; a small village with an artisanal mine located a bit more central on the island. We chose this specific location for a few reasons. One, we cut a lot of small melee sizes, and this specific ruby holds its intense red colors even as small as 1mm stones! The other reason we chose this location was, of course, because of its story.
The small area where this ruby is mined is one of many agriculture valleys where farmers grow small plots of rice and apples. It is these same farmers who dig for ruby when their crops are growing (or not) or are at a stage where they don’t need constant tending.
While ruby production is more of a side business for this group of farmers, it’s important to recognize that the farming is a form of subsistence, while the ruby is more of a ‘cash crop’. The mining itself is very rudimentary where the farmers use picks and shovels, then screen or wash the dirt to find the small bits of ruby rough.