Spring Colors Have Sprung

It’s that time of the year! Here in the Pacific Northwest, we start to see the face of the sun peak out in the Spring and all kinds of colors begin to blossom. For us, Spring brings sweet delicate pastel colors of greens, blues, pinks, and yellows. Which, of course, we love because it gives us an excuse to pull out some of our favorite pastel-colored gems to share with you!
Pastel colors show up across dozens of gemstone varieties. Aquamarine, Blue Topaz, Neon Green Beryl, Green Quartz, Morganite, Tourmaline, Sapphire... just to name a few!
With new life and freshness in the air, Spring reminds us to stop and take in the beauty around us. So, no matter what the weather looks like in your hometown, browse our new Spring Collection to prepare for the new season.